Active mobility refers to movement, motor, physical skills, impulsiveness, hard work, high activation, and perseverance.

Niaz et al (2000) found that the mobility-fixity dimension was the most consistent predictor of academic performance with creativity scores. Niaz et al (1991) also indicated that the most mobile students performed best on creativity tests. Moreover, Bloomberg (1971) suggests that horizontal mobility may be essential in creativity.

Some of the evidences show that as increase positive attitude toward human movement and motor skill enhance creative thinking. Encouraging children to participate in meaningful decision making will increase positive attitudes toward human  movement, enhance creative thinking and self-concept, and improve motor skills (Schempp & Cheffers, 1982). It has been suggested that relationship between movement and creativity (Dodds, 1978; Gowan, 1978; Ludowise, 1985; Brockmeyer, 1987; Lucky, 1990). Ewing et al (1975) indicated correlation between perceived movement and Creative Thinking. It would appear that improving creativity often caused by movement, motor skills, or hard work. Zachopoulou et al (2006) showed that physical education promotes preschool children's creativity in the early years. Physical education lessons in order to provide children with opportunities to develop their creative thinking using movement elements, motor skills, and movement exploration. The children improved their creative fluency and imagination. Besides, Waelsch (1994) discussed the notion that adversity and hard work might assist a person in achieving acts of creativity. She insisted other people who have had similar experiences where adversity nurtured their creativity.

Cramond (1994b) describes the similarities between the behavioral manifestations of ADHD and creativity, some speculations about their common etiology, and some illustrative case studies. In addition, Cramond (1994a) examined the incidence of ADHD among individuals who are highly creative .Besides, Cramond (1995) examines the fact that the defining characteristics of ADHD  are also key descriptors in biographies of highly creative individuals. 

It seems that high activation and perseverance are specific trademarks of the creative person (Sternberg & Tardif, 1989). Bachtold (1980) examined the biographies of women who were eminent in the arts and sciences. Specific trademarks of the creative personality were high activity levels and perseverance. Stokes (1999) obtained in her empirical study to link perseverance with effective creative behavior. Therefore, teachers as important indicators of creative students identify students’ mannerisms such as spontaneity and impulsiveness (Westby & Dawson, 1995). Consequently, Maddi et al (1982) emphasize upon high activation and internal orientation as factors in creativity. Hence, Torrance has provided “Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement scale.”

On the other hand, some investigators concentrate on "motor creativity"(Philipp, 1969; Lubin & Sherrill, 1977; Lubin, 1979; Lubin & Sherrill; 1980).The motor creativity is often due to creative movement. Wang (2003) investigated the effects of a creative movement program on the motor creativity of Taiwanese preschool children using Torrance's Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement scale. Results indicated that the experimental group had significantly higher levels of motor creativity than did the control group, suggesting that the creative movement program was essential to the development of the total child.


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